Monticello Community

Historical Society

(913) 667-3706



Explore the latest updates and noteworthy happenings within the Monticello Community Historical Society. Discover the

stories that shape our shared history

The Monticello Community Historical Society is pleased to announce that Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage has awarded MCHS a grant for $3,000.00 to upgrade Technology, Security and Preservation at the Research Center, Museum, and Floyd Cline Hall. A new computer will replace the 2007 model. A new, deeper shelving unit will be purchased and assembled to hold new archival-quality boxes. Other materials needed to safely store artifacts and files will be purchased. New locks will be put on closet doors in the meeting room where items are stored. Locks on outer doors will be either repaired or replaced and new keys will be made. Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area (FFNHA) is a federally funded non-profit organization and an affiliate of the National Park Service dedicated to building an awareness of the struggle for freedom along the Missouri-Kansas border. Established by Congress in 2006, its nationally significant themes are the settlement of the frontier, the Missouri-Kansas Border War and Civil War, and the enduring struggle for freedom. These diverse, interwoven and nationally important stories grew from a unique physical and cultural landscape. FFNHA inspires respect for multiple perspectives and empowers residents to preserve and share these stories. We achieve our goals through interpretation, preservation, conservation and education for all residents and visitors.

MCHS Receives Freedom’s Frontier Grant

August 30, 2023

Explore the latest updates and

noteworthy happenings within the

Monticello Community Historical

Society. Discover the stories that

shape our shared history

The Monticello Community Historical Society is pleased to announce that Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage has awarded MCHS a grant for $3,000.00 to upgrade Technology, Security and Preservation at the Research Center, Museum, and Floyd Cline Hall. A new computer will replace the 2007 model. A new, deeper shelving unit will be purchased and assembled to hold new archival-quality boxes. Other materials needed to safely store artifacts and files will be purchased. New locks will be put on closet doors in the meeting room where items are stored. Locks on outer doors will be either repaired or replaced and new keys will be made. Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area (FFNHA) is a federally funded non-profit organization and an affiliate of the National Park Service dedicated to building an awareness of the struggle for freedom along the Missouri- Kansas border. Established by Congress in 2006, its nationally significant themes are the settlement of the frontier, the Missouri-Kansas Border War and Civil War, and the enduring struggle for freedom. These diverse, interwoven and nationally important stories grew from a unique physical and cultural landscape. FFNHA inspires respect for multiple perspectives and empowers residents to preserve and share these stories. We achieve our goals through interpretation, preservation, conservation and education for all residents and visitors.

MCHS Receives Freedom’s Frontier


August 30, 2023

Monticello Community

Historical Society